Mr.Sabeer Ahamad (Change name) is residing at Takuhiraj a small town in Kushinagar District (Uttar Pradesh). He is 34 years and has marginal income to support him and his family.
Previously, in the year of 1998 he was working as tailor at garment industry in Delhi. He was hard working and thus had better earning. After some time he applied for Visa for United Arab Emirat. During the medical checkups he was found HIV Positive. Both His Mother & Father hide the report and informed his son that he is suffering from cancer and they themselves applied for Visa and went to Saudi Arabia.
Gradually, His health deteriorated and could not continue with his textile export company at Delhi. After some day he became very serious and Doctor suggested him to return to the home district hospital and meet the HIV/AIDS Positive Network. He arrived at Kushinagar and met network member. He was provided with appropriate knowledge on HIV&AIDS and with focus that it is not dangerous. People living with HIV is live a like normal person life. He is now linked to ARTC at district hospital Kushinagar and now he is healthy and happy.
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