

  • PLHA mobilization: Work towards mobilization for improved prevention and quality of life of PLHA communities through systematic and continuous development of the networks of state, district and taluk levels.
  • Human rights: Promote elimination of discrimination and protect human rights of PLHA, particularly marginalized groups.
  • GIPA (Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS): Implement and promote GIPA for empowerment of PLHA and create impact on programs and policies.
  • Access to information and services: Ensure access to high quality information and services for positive prevention, positive living and continuum care and treatment.
  • Emerging needs of PLHA: Respond to emerging needs of PLHA community including sustainable options for livelihood and social security.
  • Positive Prevention: To assist PLHA to adopt safe sexual and injecting drug use behavior that help not only in the prevention of transmission of infections to other people but also help to protect the health of PLHA and their partners.
  • Sustainable organization: UPNPplus services are outcome focused, professionally managed, in partnership with evidence-based and sustainable.

Our Presence and Program Coverage
