Core Component

Core Component

Support the implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation plans of Vihaan with SSR using eMpower application

All the activities of the Society are focused on a triangular approach covering the components of Advocacy, Network Building and Service Delivery. The triangle reflects the strong connectivity among these three components - each component can only be strengthened when the other 2 are strengthened.




This focuses on addressing the urgent issues of PLHIV like human rights, access to information, treatment, GIPA, Positive Prevention at regional, national and international forums. In the beginning, the focus was on visibility, but as the course of the epidemic changed, there has been a shift in focus for policy change.

Network Building:

This focuses on the formation and strengthening of the network at state, district and Taluka level. It also aims to provide technical assistance to the networks in capacity building of its members at district level in Program and Finance Management, Service Delivery, Leadership and governance through appropriate trainings. (Example: trainings that allow PLHIV to become peer counselors.)

Service Delivery:

This focuses on the models of care and support services to the PLHIV irrespective of age and gender, Link with Govt. Welfare Scheme, Education Support, Nutrition Support and Psychosocial support.