Organizational Structure

Organizational structure and Governance System


The Governing Body of UPNPplus is consisting of 11 representatives from the UPNPplus. The Governing body is democratically elected at 5 years by representatives of General Body members. Annual General meeting of UPNPplus is to be held each year on a day, time and place fixed by the Governing Body. Governing Members' meetings are held quarterly. Policy decisions based on the aims and objectives of the organization are taken by the board


The senior management team is responsible to the President/Secretory. The main function of the senior management team is to support the board in general administration and keep the board informed of all activities.
The governing body members are involved the program implementation;

  • In planning and decision making
  • Review of the program and taking corrective action
  • Guide and supervise program staff  

Work Strategies

A. Programme planning, monitoring and evaluation

B. Review through virtual, desk and onsite

C. Advocacy

D. Addressing stigma and discrimination

E. Scaling up

F. Peer approach

G. Access and equity

H. Networking and Capacity Building

I. Multi stakeholder partnership

J. Community system strengthening
